Sunday, May 22, 2011

Evaluating the nature of design in a specific industry context - iPad Tablet

1. In my opinion function is more important than looks, I would much rather a desktop that works brilliantly than an iPad that is not up to the same level, but this is not the case with many other people, size and looks plays a huge roll in how people will respond to the product, but it will not be recieved well if it does not function well.

2. Jonathan Ive was the principle designer on the iMac, Macbook Pro, iPod and the iPad, but worked closely with a team of designers who contributed heavily to the design of the iPad, I belive that about 70% of iPad sales go into how it looks and how it has been advertised, rather than its technical features and how it functions. Though it is gradually being introduced to businesses, and is proving quite useful.

3. Many businesses are now making the iPad available to there emplyees and have found it to be very beneficial, After having the iPad "Jailbroken" (Breaking into the device so it can use applications not made by Apple inc.) they have found that the iPad increased employee productivity, reduced paperwork, and increased revenue.

4. Some major flaws in the Apple iPad;
-  Not supporing Adobe Flash Video makes the iPad less capable of web browsing than a laptop, some people will reject the iPad purely for this reason.

- There is no Camera, the lack of a camera means no video chat or conferencing.

- At 1,024 by 768, the iPad screen has the resolution and proportions of an older laptop, so HD videos will show a dominate black border.

5. For photography i feel the iPad is a good investment, due to Adobe making Photoshop accessable on the iPad, and also how portable it is, rather than carrying around a laptop everywhere you go you could just slip the iPad into your bag, then edit your photo's anytime you want.

6. I believe the iPad has been developed around how the modern world does business, but also brings new aspects aswell,video conferences have been easier than ever, you can get virtually any application you could ever need in business including quotes and consultations, resturants are now using them as menu's, they also work well as a mobile portfolio for  designers and architects.

7. The iPad could easily be a fad or a revolution, if another company starts bringing out laptops and desktops thaty can out do the iPad and provide some competition i believe the iPad could fade out, but if it keeps going the way it is now, they will overpower desktops and laptops.

8. -

9. I believe that after five years Apple will know exactly what there doing and the iPad will be the equipment of choice for many businesses and households alike. I dont think the iPad will replace mobile phones do to its size, its to big to be used as a phone but if they make it smaller it would be to small to be used as a computer.